Class 10
Multi-Lesson Series & Curriculum

In the Kingdom of God, holding onto offense is a huge deal. We often dismiss both the small and large offenses that are sitting inside our soul. Whether we caused the offense or not, we are accountable to intentionally work towards forgiveness.
Forgiveness doesn’t automatically equal relationship reconciliation, but it does mean you need to take consistent action to allow God to heal your heart. Any areas in your life that you feel pain, discomfort, or awkwardness may signal that there is some type of hidden offense.
Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 6:14-15 “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Willfully ignored and unresolved offenses can literally take you to hell.
In this BKC Discipleship class Unoffendable, we’ll cover the key that walking in real forgiveness is to truly remember how much God has forgiven us. Just like the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:21-35. The master sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt, because he refused to forgive those in debt to him, after the master had already forgiven him. When trying to forgive and overcome offense, it’s crucial to have the right eternal perspective.
In this class and curriculum, you will learn real Biblical forgiveness principles and how to practically overcome offense in every area of your life. It will help you absorb the truth of Scripture and then prompt the Holy Spirit to expose areas of offense so you can intentionally walk towards forgiveness and healing.
Unoffendable is a radical life-changing BKC Discipleship course that eradicates the hidden trap of so-called “justified” offenses in your mind and heart. Your soul and relationships with others will never be the same.